The Faculty of History and the Regional Program of the University Center of Excellence in the Humanities “Alma Mater”,
Organized an International Scientific Conference
The Faculty of History and the Regional Program of the University Center of Excellence in the Humanities “Alma Mater”,
Organized an International Scientific Conference
Invited by the Balkan city seminar, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Penelope Corfield, London University,
presented public lectures on the following topics:
Invited by the Balkan city seminar, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Fritz Mitthof, Vienna University,
presented a...
Invited by the seminar for Regional and National History, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Isa Blumi, Stockholm University,
Invited by the seminar for Regional and National History, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Fernando Zamola, Humboldt University, Berlin,
...Invited by the seminar for Regional and National History, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Ahmed Ersoy, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul,
...Invited by the seminar for Regional and National History, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Ulrich Pfisterer, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
...Invited by the Center for Regional Studies and Analyses, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Magdalena Zovchak, Warsaw University,
...Invited by the seminar for Regional and National History, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Marko Shtuhets, Ljubljana University,
presented public lectures on the following topics...
Invited by the seminar for Regional and National History, Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater",
Prof. Wolfgang Hopken, Leipzig University,
presented a public lecture on the following topic...